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Friday, September 16, 2016

Follow up to Critical Theory and the New Right-Wing Populism

Andrew Wilson also, racism
Alastair Hemmens I agree with the general sentiment. But concrete labour is still abstract labour. You can't find new and better forms of work or decouple use value from value as this author suggests.
Russell Rockwell In a society that has overcome capitalism, there is neither concrete nor abstract labor.
Postone, quoting Marx in an early section of the Grundrisse, writes:
People must be able to step outside of the direct labor process in which they had previously l
abored as parts, and control it from above. The control…must be available not only to society as a whole, but to all of its members. A necessary material condition for the full development of all the individuals is that “labor in which a human being does what a thing could do has ceased.”
In a section of the Grundrisse, which discusses his notion of surplus labor time and surplus labor, Marx develops the context for the end of the kind of labor that could be done by a machine, which Postone argues is “the necessary material condition for the full development of all the individuals”. Marx discusses the historical developments of the specifically capitalist mode of production, which shape the immense potential of the social conditions arising from it. Of the several conditions Marx mentions, perhaps the most important is creation of “the material elements for the development of rich individuality which is all-sided in its production as in its consumption, and whose labor no longer appears as labor, but as the full development of activity itself...”

Critical Theory (Horkheimer to Postone) and the New Right-Wing Populism