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Saturday, March 21, 2020

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic, the State-Capitalist Response, Marx's value theory

Seemingly unprecedented NYT editorial on economic crisis and COVID-19 (Coronavirus pandemic): "How to Avoid Complete Economic Destruction"

Clearly the bipartisan rush to send U.S. workers money is not any sort of altruism. Instead, while unable in these circumstances to create new vaue, living labor must be sustained to labor as before, as in capitalist production, according to Marx: "While the laborer, by virtue of his labor being of a specialized kind that has a special object (durch die zwecmässige Form der Arbeit), preserves and transfers to the product the value of the means of production, he at the same time, by the mere act of working, creates each instant an additional or new value. (Marx, 1867/1909, 231 [1867/1990, 314–315], quoted by Marcuse, 1941/1999, 308). Marcuse (in Reason and Revolution) emphasizes that the performance of concrete labor, “labor power in action”, preserves value in adding new value. In this pandemic the most devasting propsect (for capitalism) is not the loss of material wealth because people can't work, but the lack of the "gratuitous" service of workers in while creating new value at the same time preserve the value of the existing means of production.